Posts by Dada
Meditation: A Love Story
0 Contemplative practices like meditation and mindfulness have been with us for thousands of years, but lately it seems like everyone is getting all excited about mindfulness as though we’ve just discovered something new. That’s because we have. Thanks to advanced brain/body monitoring technologies and DNA research, scientists have discovered a way to measure some…
Read MoreOn Being a Non-Annoying Meditator
0 Just read another clever post about how not to put other people off both meditation and your personal company by Dan Harris, author of 10% Happier and a familiar face to anyone who used to watch ABC news or Good Morning America. In his book he describes, with considerable humor and eloquence, his meditation journey…
Read MoreSquishy Stuff that Doesn’t Work
0 Do you ever buy stuff on the internet, and then come over all disappointed when it arrives and does not perform remotely as advertised? Don’t get me started on the tragic story of the sea pixies, or that Chinese Dance program that they’ve been overhyping for years with giant advertising billboards. I’m a total…
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