You’ve probably heard the expression, ‘All is One’. This is a popular claim amongst mystically inclined physicists, an increasingly rare breed, and amateur Buddhist philosophers, disturbingly less rare with every passing moment. During my monk training we studied ancient sanskrit texts discussing Oneness at great length. Oneness, it turns out, is not only surprisingly complex,…

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For anyone else who loved the Netflix show, My Octopus Teacher, I know, ants aren’t as smart as octopuses, but there are a lot more of them… A Cosmic Perspective My spiritual master in India, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, once said that an ant is as important as the brilliant sun. His point was that everything,…

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I expect that you’ve been lying awake at and night wondering, what is Monkotopia? It’s really quite simple. You’ve heard of utopia — a perfect world where everything seems designed to please You. Hence ‘You’ topia. It makes ‘You’ happy to live in this kind of world. Dystopia is the opposite. It’s when everything seems designed to…

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