This beautiful 300 acre property near Calistoga was once a popular retreat site. In 2017 it was destroyed by fire. But now the owner, David Levy, inspired by a new vision, is on a mission to restore the land and rebuild better. Last Friday I flew up there with John Majeski. His cute little Cirrus is named after a…

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When I was eleven years old I read a book called African Adventure by Willard Price. I thought this book was wonderful, particularly the part where the villain killed an enemy by putting chopped leopard’s whiskers in his soup. According to Willard Price, leopard’s whiskers are indigestible as the sharp ends slice open the victim’s…

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I think I’ve invented a new kind of therapy. It involves turning my real life enemies into villains in my novels and stories. In my literature course at University we learned that in story-telling, villains are usually the most fun. Think Loki, in The Avengers, or if we go a bit more Renaissance, Satan in Milton’s Paradise…

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