Oppenheimer and Hiroshima Day August 6th, aka yesterday, was Hiroshima Day, commemorating the dropping of the Atomic Bomb on Japan in 1945. I joined my first anti-nuclear protest march with my family when I was five years old. In the 1960’s, even in distant New Zealand, nuclear war was on our minds. Here in the…

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Salad has a PR problem. Carnivores mock vegetarians for ‘eating rabbit food, or ‘grazing like a cow.’ Unfair, maybe, yet the fact remains that many people consider salad boring. Healthy but boring. Unfortunately, meditation has acquired something of the same reputation. Lots of people think that meditation is good for you, but not fun. Like…

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Probably. Maybe. It depends. I should be the first person to wax starry eyed about World Meditation Day and how if we all meditate, we will save the world. But I’ve been in this game long enough to know that it’s not that simple. Let me explain. There are many different meditation techniques, even within…

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