0 April 25, 2019 When I was seven I met one of my childhood heroes, Dr Seuss, who was kind enough to come all the way to New Zealand to sign my copy of One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. I gave him a picture of a monster. Of all his wonderful books,…

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0 Today I’m particularly thankful to be alive because yesterday I very nearly drowned. The waves here in Mexico can come in pretty big with a fierce undertow and the beach where we are staying is known to be dangerous. We were swimming close to shore and the surf seemed sizeable but manageable. But then…

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0 You’ve probably heard the expression, ‘All is One’. This is a popular claim amongst mystically inclined physicists, an increasingly rare breed, and amateur Buddhist philosophers, disturbingly less rare with every passing moment. During my monk training we studied ancient sanskrit texts discussing Oneness at great length. Oneness, it turns out, is not only surprisingly…

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