Why is Meditation so Popular These Days?
0 Meditation and mindfulness are very much in the news these days, and it seems like all sorts of people, including a long list of celebrities, are trying it. And it’s not just eccentric Hollywood stars and top athletes. Now even corporate moguls and politicians are advocating meditation. Here is a fairly random and very incomplete list of high…
Read MoreLearning the Instrument of Your Mind
0 A while ago I was speaking to a group of executives from a big tech company. The head of the team asked a question: ”Look, I’ve got to tell you, I’m quite skeptical about this whole meditation thing. When I get stressed I go for a walk amongst the trees. That works for me.…
Read MoreMeditation: A Love Story
0 Contemplative practices like meditation and mindfulness have been with us for thousands of years, but lately it seems like everyone is getting all excited about mindfulness as though we’ve just discovered something new. That’s because we have. Thanks to advanced brain/body monitoring technologies and DNA research, scientists have discovered a way to measure some…
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