Oppenheimer and Hiroshima Day August 6th, aka yesterday, was Hiroshima Day, commemorating the dropping of the Atomic Bomb on Japan in 1945. I joined my first anti-nuclear protest march with my family when I was five years old. In the 1960’s, even in distant New Zealand, nuclear war was on our minds. Here in the…

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Oh, look, it’s apocalypse time again. I’m so excited! Lots of our favorite Big Tech Gods, from Sam Altman to Bill Gates, are warning us of impending doom, thanks to, you guessed it, AI! Do bear in mind, this pessimistic view of the impact of AI is far from unanimous amongst industry experts. Marc Andreessen,…

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I enjoyed this interview with Gustavo of the Tantra Thoughts YouTube channel, about my meditation book, Close Your Eyes & Open Your Mind, plus other stuff. I’m really happy with the way it came out – Kudos to Gustavo and his wife, Andra. I’m glad he also asked me about my sci-fi comedy novel that…

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