Yesterday I flew from San Jose, California, to Austin, Texas, via LA. Taking a valuable guitar on a flight is always a little nerve-racking. I used to check my instrument in, protected by a case so hard it must have been forged in a special kiln on the planet Vulcan. Amazingly, the case invariably came…

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The Close Your Eyes on Video A series of 8 videos to match my book and home study course When I first sat down to write a book on meditation I never imagined that I might spawn a monster. Little did I know that it would mutate and multiply into three editions marking the evolution of my writing.…

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The Corporate Demo Video Last Friday we filmed my talk at Intel, and together with the footage from my talk at Facebook and other events, we now have all the footage we need to create this demo video. The marketing company I’m working with, ProSpeakerContent should be able to complete editing in the next two weeks.…

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