The Enlightened Leader Project – Report November 1st, 2014 Bringing Spiritual Values to the World of Business The four components of The Enlightened Leader Project are: 1. The Close Your Eyes Meditation Phone app. 2. The Enlightened Leader Corporate Demo Video. 3. The Close Your Eyes Video Series 4. The Enlightened Leader Video Series Now that parts of…

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Yesterday I got to give a talk on meditation at Facebook HQ in Menlo Park, California, and it was kind of a big deal because we brought in a film crew to capture it and that will become my first real demo video for my corporate speaking, which should open doors for more opportunities like…

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Some time ago a generous friend contributed $777 to my crowd funding campaign because I made him laugh with my silly stories about The Magic of Seven. He says my sense of humor is kind of British, even though he knows I’m not British. Which is true, but I might as well be. I was born…

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