Imagine how things might be different if our leaders, instead of being stressed, irritated and weighed down with worry, were calm, compassionate and wise. Wouldn’t they make higher quality decisions? And if that person is in a position of power and influence, wouldn’t that be good for all of us? The decisions of leaders can affect us,…

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Right now I’d be all excited, if it were not for the fact that I’m a cool, calm yogi and I don’t get excited over minor ripples in the space time continuum. Such as the one caused in my brain by my embarking on a really cool new project. This afternoon I had my first pre-production meeting…

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Have you ever wondered why Facebook which is frequently banal, mostly a waste of time, and occasionally interesting or inspiring, is so addictive? The somewhat counterintuitive answer is: Saber toothed tigers! Think back to when you were a cave person, or to be more precise, when your ancestors were cave people, dedicating their lives to the mission…

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